Why Being a RunDisney Volunteer is Awesome
We love RunDisney races and have participated in them numerous times. However, they are also quite costly and there have been a few times where we’ve needed to skip a race weekend or two throughout the year. If running a RunDisney race isn’t in the cards for us, we always make sure to volunteer at the races instead.
Being a RunDisney volunteer brings a whole new perspective on RunDisney races. It really makes you appreciate just how important volunteers are to the race experience and we highly encourage every runner to be a volunteer at least once!
How to Sign Up
Sign up occurs about three months before the race weekend. Slots will open up at noon Eastern and you can check the Volunteer Ambassador Team website for specific dates for events you’re interested in.
It’s been our experience that RunDisney volunteer slots go almost as quickly as slots for the races themselves. With that being said, we would suggest being on the site the day of volunteer registration to give yourself the best shot. During the sign-ups, you’ll mark which days you’re available for and pick which job you’d like. Keep in mind some of the jobs fill up quicker than others, but they’re all fun in their own way.
If you are thinking of volunteering with a group, give RunDisney a call. They may be able to put your whole group together, which makes it more fun.

How it Works
Before the race weekend, you will need to go to credential pick up. If you are local, they’ll have pick-ups available a couple of weeks before the event at the Disney Sports Building (located at 3281 Sherberth Rd.). If you can’t make it during the early-bird pick-up, you can grab your credentials the week of the race at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex.
Your credentials will tell you what your jobs are and what time you should report each day. It will also tell you which bus to take to get you to your spot if applicable. Just like running the races themselves, being a volunteer is a well-oiled machine.
RunDisney races start early, so that means that volunteers need to be there just as early, if not earlier, than runners. We’ve had to report to our volunteer shifts as early as 2 a.m. before.
The Jobs
There are a bunch of different roles you can sign up for as a RunDisney volunteer. We’ve done a few roles over the years including water stops, cheer squads, finish line, and expo volunteers.
Water Stops
Water stops are crucial for a successful and safe race and they require a ton of RunDisney volunteers. If you sign up for a water stop, you’ll get bus transportation out to your spot on the course where you and your team of volunteers set up the tables, cups, and drinks.
For 5ks and 10ks the water stops only consist of water, however for half marathons and the full marathon there is also a section with Powerade. If you are volunteering for a half or full, you’ll have to pre-mix the Powerade and fill the cups.
The water stops, like a lot of the volunteer jobs, are a lot of hurry up and wait. When you first get to your stop it’s a flurry to get everything set up with enough time. Then, you wait for the first runners. Then, there is a bit of a lull as the elite runners pass followed by a frenzy when the rest of the pack joins.
Water stops can be a lot of fun but a bit hectic depending on where you are – if you are at the first table you are going to get bombarded by runners (seriously people, don’t go to the first table you see, the water stops go on for a couple of hundred feet and there’s plenty of volunteers!).
Also, try not to wear your best footwear or clothes when volunteering at a water stop. There will be spills and the Powerade can be a bit sticky.
Cheer Squads
One of the easiest, and frankly most fun, roles are cheer squads. All you do is cheer on the athletes from the first wheelchair athlete all the way to the balloon ladies. As RunDisney runners ourselves, we know how much of a boost cheer squads can give, so we love being able to give participants that extra boost.
Fun tip – If you are a cheer squad volunteer, make it fun! We tend to wear a set of Mickey gloves to give high fours. You can bring noisemakers and signs. Wear a funky hat if you want! When it’s cooler out, Tyler tends to bring out a fun hat. It’s also fun to call out specific pieces of a runner’s wardrobe like characters and colleges.
Finish Line
Another job we’ve had in the past is at the finish line. There are a ton of volunteer roles, but we’ve handed out medals one race and Mylar blankets another race. Handing out medals is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have as a RunDisney volunteer. People have such a sense of accomplishment at the finish line that you see everything from huge smiles to tears of joy.
It was also fun meeting people who were completing their first-ever race and receiving their first medal. That’s a pretty special moment to share with someone. You may get the occasional sweaty hug, but all in all, it’s a really fun experience. Note – the medals are heavy so try and pace yourself and don’t take too many at once!
Depending on the weather, RunDisney either hands out cool towels (our fave!) or Mylar blankets. Either way, RunDisney volunteers will prep the area and hand the items to runners coming through the finish chute.

The Expo can be a pretty low-key experience if you’re looking for something away from the elements. Oftentimes you’ll be inside one of the buildings either helping with check-in or handing out the event shirts. We’ve also helped out with the kid’s race too which is really cute.
Once you do a RunDisney race as a runner, you’ll come to appreciate how many volunteers it takes to put on one of these race weekends. We’ve only covered a few of the jobs but there are volunteers for every aspect of the race from directing you to transportation, checking bibs going into the corrals, handing out challenge medals, post-race food boxes, and more.
The Perks
One of the biggest perks of being a RunDisney volunteer is you get a free one-day park ticket. Rules have changed a bit over the years, but for anything, over a 10k you automatically get a one-day park ticket for each day you volunteer. This means if you volunteer the entire weekend you can get up to 4 free tickets!
This works out really well for us because we end up holding on to these tickets and using them when friends and family come into town. We’ve talked to fellow RunDisney volunteers over the year and they find this is the biggest perk for getting up early.
Volunteers also get either a t-shirt or light jacket to wear during their volunteer shift. If you are at the Expo you’ll definitely be getting a t-shirt. The light jackets are dependent on the weather. Initially, we got them for each weekend we volunteered, however as runners we’ve noticed more and more the RunDisney volunteers are wearing t-shirts. The jackets are nothing too fancy, but they can get pretty hot.
You’ll also get a small bag of snacks and some water to have during your shift. You’re welcome to bring your own snacks too, however, depending on your role you may not have a ton of time to eat.
Medical Volunteers
We would be remiss if we didn’t mention medical RunDisney volunteers. If you are a state certified/licensed MD, DO, PA, DPM, ARNP, RN, ATC, PT, PM, or EMT you can volunteer as a medical volunteer. We aren’t too sure how their process works, but we suggest checking the Volunteer Ambassador Team website for more information.
The Verdict
We have really enjoyed our experiences as RunDisney volunteers over the years. It’s been a fun way to give back to the RunDisney community, see a different side of racing, and get some fun perks along the way.
If you are considering participating in a RunDisney race, but are a bit apprehensive, we suggest trying to become a RunDisney volunteer first. That way, you can get a sense of how things go and see how much fun everyone is having. Seriously, after volunteering each time we get such an itch to get back out there on the course.
Have any questions about becoming a RunDisney volunteer? Leave us a comment below or shoot us an email at theorlandoduo@gmail.com!