Do Good Date Night in Orlando
We’re big fans of unique date ideas. We’re also big fans of giving back to Orlando, which is why we love doing Orlando Date Night Guide’s Do Good Date Night events. Do Good Date Night gives couples the chance to volunteer for an hour and celebrate with food, drinks and an activity afterward. It makes for a fun night that leaves you with a sense of accomplishment too.
What is Do Good Date Night?
Do Good Date Night is the brainchild of Orlando Date Night Guide, an Orlando-based website, but has since spread to other cities around the country. The entire night takes a few hours and includes an hour of volunteering, followed by a fun activity with food and drinks. The best part about Do Good Date Night is that it takes place about once a month, but the volunteer location and the fun afterward are different each time.
How Does it Work?
We’ve done a few of these, but we’ll use the one we did last as an example of how a typical night goes.
The first step is to follow Orlando Date Night Guide on the web or social media. This way, you’ll be one of the first to hear when a new event is announced. Once the event is announced, head online and sign up. Like most dates, the night will end up costing money, but it’s only around $30 a person for the whole night. Once you’ve signed up it’s time to wait until date night. You’ll need to hurry and sign up fast though, only about 20 couples can participate at a time.
Once it’s date night, you’ll all meet at the charity and do your volunteering first. The last Do Good Date Night we did involve us meeting at A Gift for Teaching, a charity dedicated to providing teachers with school supplies for their classrooms. Teachers are often spending hundreds of dollars of their own money on basic classroom supplies.
(As the son of a teacher, Tyler can attest this is 100% true.)
Our jobs for the night were to sort and count donations A Gift for Teaching received from a few local companies. It only took us an hour to do the counting, but we got through six pallets worth of items! You could tell just how appreciative our hosts were of our efforts.
Other locations have included Goodwill Industries, Feeding Children Everywhere and Second Harvest Food Bank.
Once we were done volunteering, we all met at Earl’s Kitchen + Bar for some appetizers and a drink. The after party is just as much fun as volunteering because you can meet new people and get to know the couples you’ve just been working with the past hour. The after party isn’t always just going to a bar. Oftentimes there’ll be food and drinks brought in while you do an activity together like playing some trivia.
This combination of volunteering mixed with a night out is one of our most favorite activities in Orlando. It’s so rare that you can do something fun and good at the same time, and even rarer that you can do it so easily. We’ve never done one of these events and felt like we wasted the night, or thought, “huh, well that was a dud.”
Every single time we’ve done it we started the night seeing the look of appreciation on a non-profit director’s face and ended it meeting a new couple.
If you’re looking for a date night that’s not only different, but better than your typical outing, you can’t go wrong with Do Good Date Night.

This sounds awesome! I definitely want to do one next time you go.
We will let you know the next time a Do Good Date Night comes up!